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Formula Scripts Examples

Creating new user

// assuming we have $userName and $emailAddress variables defined above

$password = password\generate();
$hash = password\hash($password);

$userId = record\create('User',
    'userName', $userName,
    'password', $hash,
    'emailAddress', $emailAddress

$emailBody = string\concatenate(
    'Username: ', $userName, '\n',
    'Password: ', $password, '\n'

$emailId = record\create(
    'to', $emailAddress,
    'status', 'Sending',
    'subject', 'Access info',
    'body', $emailBody,
    'isHtml', false


Sending email with generated PDF in attachment

$attachmentId = ext\pdf\generate(
    'Quote', entity\attribute('id'), 'copy-pdf-template-id-here', 'test.pdf'

$emailId = record\create('Email',
    'to', entity\attribute('emailAddress'),
    'attachmentsIds', list($attachmentId)

// applying email template
ext\email\applyTemplate($emailId, 'copy-email-template-id-here');


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