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API :: Account


GET Account

Returns a list of accounts and total number of records. It's possible to specify filters.

GET parameters are available here.

Requires read access to Account scope.


GET Account?select=name&maxSize=2&orderBy=name&order=asc

will return:

    "list": [
            "id": "someId1",
            "name": "Test 1"
            "id": "someId2",
            "name": "Test 2"
    "total": 2100


POST Account

Creates an account. Returns its attributes.

Requires create access to Account scope.

Payload: Record attributes.


POST Account

with payload:

    "name": "Test",
    "assignedUserId": "someUserId"


GET Account/{id}

Returns attributes of a specific Account record.

Requires read access to Account record.


GET Account/someId

with return:

    "id": "someId",
    "name": "Test",
    "createdById": "someUserId",
    "createdByName": "Some Name",
    "assignedUserId": "someUserId",
    "assignedUserName": "someName",
    "teamsIds": [],
    "teamsNames": {}


PUT Account/{id}

Updates an existing Account. Returns its attributes.

Requires edit access to Account record.

Payload: Record attributes.


PUT Account/someId

with payload:

    "assignedUserId": "someUserId"


DELETE Account/{id}

Removes an existing account.

Returns TRUE if success.

Requires delete access to Account record.


DELETE Account/someId


GET Account/{id}/stream

Returns stream records of a specific account.

GET parameters: maxSize, limit.

Requires stream access to Account record.


Note: link names can be obtained at Administration > Entity Manager > click relationships on Account row > 4th column. Actual types: parent-to-children, one-to-many, many-to-many.

The list of links available out-of-the-box:

  • calls
  • cases
  • contacts
  • documents
  • emails
  • emailsPrimary
  • meetings
  • meetingsPrimary
  • opportunities
  • targetLists
  • tasks
  • tasksPrimary

Returns a list of related records linked through link relation and their total number of records. It's possible to specify filters.

GET parameters are available here.

Requires read access to Account record and read access to the scope of the related entity type.

POST Account/{id}/{link}

Relate an existing account with a specific record (or multiple records) through a specific link.

Requires edit access to Account record and edit access to the scope of the related entity type.

Payload parameters are available here.

Unlinks a specific record, linked through a specific link, from an account.

Requires edit access to Account record and edit access to the scope of the related entity type.


  1. JSON with id string attribute
  2. JSON with ids array attribute