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Installation by Script

This script automatically installs EspoCRM as a Docker image with Nginx server and MariaDB database.


  1. Operating system:

    • Ubuntu
    • Debian
    • Linux Mint
  2. Access via command line.

  3. Root or sudo access.


Open your server's command line and run the commands:

sudo bash

Installation with SSL/TLS certificate

sudo bash --ssl

Installation without prompts

sudo bash -y --ssl --letsencrypt

Available options

-y or --yes

Skip confirmation prompts during installation.


Installation with SSL/TLS certificate. Ex. --ssl. See installation modes.


Installation with a Let's Encrypt free certificate. Ex. --ssl --letsencrypt. See installation modes.


Installation with an own SSL/TLS certificate. Ex. --ssl --owncertificate. See installation modes.


Define your domain. Ex. or --domain=


Email address for Let's Encrypt certificate. Ex.


Clean the existing EspoCRM installation and start a new one. This option can be used if you have already installed EspoCRM. Ex. --clean.


Note: For HTTP mode only.

Indicate a public IP address that will be used for EspoCRM installation. Ex. --public-ip.


Note: For HTTP mode only.

Indicate a private (local) IP address that will be used for EspoCRM installation. Ex. --private-ip.


Define your own MySQL root password instead of the automatically generated one. Ex. --db-root-password=my-password.


Define your own MySQL password for EspoCRM installation. Ex. --db-password=my-password.


Define a username of your EspoCRM administrator. Ex. --admin-username=admin.


Define a password of EspoCRM administrator. Ex. --admin-password=admin-password.


Update the for the existing installation. Ex. --command.


A path for the backup. Ex. --backup-path ="/backup".

Server management

The operation of EspoCRM consists of several services, such as nginx, mariadb, daemon.

In order to update the command tool, see update the


In order to display a list of available commands.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ help

Status of services

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ status

Restart services

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restart

Start services

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ start

Build and start services

In order to apply changes in docker-compose.yml.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ build

Stop services

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ stop

EspoCRM rebuild

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ rebuild

EspoCRM upgrade

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ upgrade

EspoCRM logs

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ logs


Create a full backup of EspoCRM.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ backup "BACKUP_DIRECTORY"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ backup /var/www/espocrm-backup.


Restore the backup created by the backup command.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restore "BACKUP_ARCHIVE"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restore "/var/www/espocrm-backup/2024-01-01_142051.tar.gz".

Restore on a fresh server

Restore the backup created by the backup command.

1. Configure the environment

wget -N
sudo bash --environment

2. Restore a backup

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restore "BACKUP_ARCHIVE"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restore "/var/www/espocrm-backup/2024-01-01_142051.tar.gz".


In order to fix the Error response from daemon: network external not found, run:

sudo bash --network

and then run the Step 2 again.


Delete old and unnecessary files.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ clean

Import SQL dump

Import the database from the SQL dump created by mariadb-dump, mysqldump, phpMyAdmin, etc.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql "PATH/DB.sql"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql "/var/www/espocrm-backup/db.sql".

Import SQL dump for one / several tables

Import the database with enabled DROP TABLE statement in the SQL dump created by mariadb-dump, mysqldump, phpMyAdmin, etc.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql --skip-drop "PATH/DB.sql"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql "/var/www/espocrm-backup/db.sql" --skip-drop.

Export a database into the SQL dump

Export the database structure and data into a .sql dump.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ export-sql "PATH"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ export-sql "/var/www/espocrm-backup".

Export a database table into the SQL dump

Export the single database table structure and data into a .sql dump.

Notice: the database tables have different names than Entities. Ex. TargetList entity has the target_list table.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ export-table-sql "PATH" "TABLE_NAME"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ export-table-sql "/var/www/espocrm-backup" account.

Certificate generation

Generate a new Let's Encrypt certificate. It can be used to create a certificate for the first time or after a domain change.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ cert-generate

Certificate renewal

Renew an existing Let's Encrypt certificate. It can be used in crontab to automatically renewal.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ cert-renew

Apply a domain change

Applying a domain change described here.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ apply-domain

Enable automatic certificate renewal

Note: This item is relevant only for the Let's Encrypt mode.

Enable automatic certificate renewal. This should be done after moving to another server only.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ cert-cron-add

Disable automatic certificate renewal

Note: This item is relevant only for the Let's Encrypt mode.

Disable automatic certificate renewal. This command should be run after changing the installation mode (ex. to own SSL certificate).

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ cert-cron-remove

Add a cronjob for VoIP Integration connector

Add a cronjob for a VoIP Integration extension after configuring the connector (ex. Asterisk).

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ voip-cron-add CONNECTOR

where CONNECTOR is your connector ID, ex. Asterisk.

Remove a cronjob for VoIP Integration connector

Remove a cronjob for a VoIP Integration extension after disabling the connector (ex. Asterisk).

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ voip-cron-remove CONNECTOR

where CONNECTOR is your connector ID, ex. Asterisk.



├── data
│   ├── espocrm
│   ├── mariadb
│   └── nginx
├── docker-compose.yaml

Storage location

All data are stored at:


Installation modes

1. Let's Encrypt certificate

This certificate is a free of charge and can be used by providing an email address.

2. Own SSL/TLS certificate

If you need a high-security connection, you have to use your own SSL/TLS certificate. In this mode, EspoCRM will be installed with dummy certificates which should be replaced by real ones.

Post installation steps:

1. Go to your server directory /var/www/espocrm/data/nginx/ssl/cert/.

2. Replace the following certificates with your own:

  • fullchain.pem
  • privkey.pem

Important! Your own certificates have to substitute the existing certificates and must have the same names.

3. Restart nginx server:

/var/www/espocrm/ espocrm-nginx

3. HTTP mode

This mode is recommended to use only if you don't have a domain name or want to use your IP address as a domain name.

Changing installed mode

All the actions can be applied to already installed EspoCRM instance.

From HTTP to Own SSL/TLS certificate

sudo bash --ssl --owncertificate

From HTTP to Let's Encrypt certificate

sudo bash --ssl --letsencrypt

From Own SSL/TLS certificate to Let's Encrypt certificate

sudo bash --ssl --letsencrypt

Manually (advanced users only)

1. Stop your existing EspoCRM instance.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ stop

2. Rename your existing directory:

mv /var/www/espocrm /var/www/espocrm-old

3. Run the installer in the required mode, e.g. Let's Encrypt certificate mode:

sudo bash --ssl --letsencrypt

4. Copy your existing data to a new installation:

rm -rf /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm
rm -rf /var/www/espocrm/data/mariadb
cp -rp /var/www/espocrm-old/data/espocrm /var/www/espocrm/data
cp -rp /var/www/espocrm-old/data/mariadb /var/www/espocrm/data

5. Update your /var/www/espocrm/docker-compose.yml file. You have to copy your existing options from /var/www/espocrm-old/docker-compose.yml for the services: - espocrm-db - espocrm

6. Restart services via the command:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restart

7. Login as administrator and update your new Site URL in Administration > Settings.


Nginx logs


EspoCRM logs


Update the

In order to load the latest version of the, run the command:

wget -N
sudo bash --command

Modify PHP settings

This can be achieved by mounting the PHP configuration file and restarting the container.

1. Login via terminal to your server and open EspoCRM directory /var/www/espocrm:

cd /var/www/espocrm

2. Create the PHP configuration file:

mkdir -p data/php; \
nano data/php/espocrm.ini

with the content:

expose_php = Off
display_errors = Off
display_startup_errors = Off
log_errors = On

then press Ctrl + 0 and Ctrl + X

3. Mount the created PHP configuration file to the container:

sudo nano docker-compose.yml

add ./data/php/espocrm.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/espocrm.ini option for espocrm container as displayed below:

    - ./data/espocrm:/var/www/html
    - ./data/php/espocrm.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/espocrm.ini

then press Ctrl + 0 and Ctrl + X

4. Restart the container to apply the changes:

sudo ./ restart espocrm

Modify Nginx settings

1. Login via terminal to your server and open EspoCRM directory /var/www/espocrm:

cd /var/www/espocrm

2. Edit the file ./data/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.template

sudo nano ./data/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.template

3. Restart the container to apply the changes:

sudo ./ restart espocrm-nginx

Change a domain name

1. Login via terminal to your server and open EspoCRM directory /var/www/espocrm:

cd /var/www/espocrm

2. Find and replace the old domain name with the new one in the file ./docker-compose.yml

sudo nano ./docker-compose.yml

Options to change:

  3. command under the espocrm-certbot service (required only for the letsencrypt mode).

3. Run the command:

sudo ./ apply-domain

Note: You have to clear your browser cache for this change to take effect.

Installer migration from v1 to v2

1. Export the MySQL database from the corresponding Docker container:

mkdir -p /var/www/backup
cd /var/www/backup
sudo docker exec -i espocrm-mysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pYOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD espocrm > db.sql


  • Replace the YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD with your MySQL root password.

2. Copy data and custom folders from espocrm directory:

cp -a /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/data /var/www/backup/data
cp -a /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/custom /var/www/backup/custom

3. Install a fresh EspoCRM by a script:

sudo bash --db-root-password=YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD --db-password=YOUR_ESPOCRM_DB_PASSWORD --admin-password=YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD --clean


  • Replace the YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD with your MySQL root password.
  • Replace the YOUR_ESPOCRM_DB_PASSWORD with your MySQL espocrm user password.
  • Replace the YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD with your EspoCRM admin user password.

4. Replace data and custom folders in the /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm directory with the previously exported ones.

cp -a /var/www/backup/data /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/data
cp -a /var/www/backup/custom /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/custom

5. Replace 'host' => 'espocrm-mysql' line with 'host' => 'espocrm-db' one in the /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/config-internal.php file.

6. Import previously exported database to MariaDB container:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql /var/www/backup/db.sql

7. Make a rebuild:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ rebuild

8. Log in to your instance and check if everything is working well.