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Config parameters

Config parameters can be changed or added manually in the file data/config.php. Parameters can also be added to the file data/config-internal.php. Use the internal config to store sensitive parameters.

In this article:

List of parameters

The list of parameters along with their default values. This is not a full list of params. Most of params available in the admin UI are not listed here.


  • siteUrl – URL of EspoCRM instance;
  • useCache – true;
  • isDeveloperMode – false – enables developer mode; not to be used on instances installed from a package; only for an instance that is run right from a repository;
  • useCacheInDeveloperMode – false – to use front-end cache in developer mode; front-end is not cached by default in developer mode;
  • maintenanceMode – false – only administrators will have access to the system;
  • disableCron – false;
  • useWebSocket – false;
  • restrictedMode – false – disables for admin users: upgrade via the UI, extension management, changing specific config parameters;
  • ajaxTimeout – 60000 – timeout for ajax requests (in milliseconds);
  • language – system language;
  • timeZone – system timezone;
  • exportDelimiter – ',' – default export delimiter;
  • recordListMaxSizeLimit – 200 – max number of records can be fetched in a single GET API request;
  • maxSelectTextAttributeLengthForList – 10000 – text fields are cut when records accessed with a list request;
  • displayListViewRecordCount – true – to display a number of records on the list view;
  • addressCountryList – array of countries available in autocomplete;
  • addressCityList – array of cities available in autocomplete;
  • addressStateList – array of states available in autocomplete;
  • defaultCurrency – currency applied by default;
  • baseCurrency – which currency to use as base when defining rates;
  • currencyList – array of available currencies;
  • thumbImageCacheDisabled – false – to disable thumb image files being created in data/upload/thumbs directory (as of v7.0);
  • globalSearchMaxSize – 10 – how much records is shown in the global search;
  • massActionIdleCountThreshold – 100 – record number threshold after which mass-action is processed in idle (as of v7.1);
  • exportIdleCountThreshold – 1000 – record number threshold after which export is processed in idle (as of v7.1);
  • leadCaptureAllowOrigin – *Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header value for the lead capture endpoint;
  • ipAddressServerParam – REMOTE_ADDR – server parameter to be used for obtaining a request IP address (as of v7.5);


  • applicationDescription – the text in the meta tag; default value: EspoCRM – Open Source CRM application (as of v7.0);
  • adminPanelIframeDisabled – false – disables the right iframe-panel on the administration page (as of v7.0);
  • activitiesCreateButtonMaxCount – 3 – a max number of create buttons to display on the Activities page (as of v7.2);
  • listViewSettingsDisabled – false – disable list view settings (as of v8.1);

Access control

  • aclAllowDeleteCreated – true – whether to allow regular users to delete record they created, even they don't have delete access to;
  • aclAllowDeleteCreatedThresholdPeriod – 24 hours – time window available for deletion of created records;


  • adminNotifications – true – notifications in admin panel;
  • adminNotificationsNewVersion – true – notifications about new versions in admin panel;
  • adminNotificationsNewExtensionVersion – true – notifications about new extension versions in admin panel;
  • emailReminderPortionSize – 10 – how much email reminders can be sent at once (as of v7.0);
  • notificationsMaxSize – 5 – how much in-app notifications is shown when the notification panel is shown up;
  • notificationsCheckInterval – 10 – an interval between checks for new notifications (actual only if web socket is not enabled);
  • popupNotificationsCheckInterval – 15 – an interval between checks for new popup notifications (actual only if web socket is not enabled) (as of v7.3.2);
  • reminderMaxCount – 10 – a max number of reminders per event (as of v8.3.0);


  • emailKeepParentTeamsEntityList – ['Case'] – when a related email is fetched, teams of the parent record will be copied to the email; by default, it's available only for cases;
  • emailForceUseExternalClient – false – when composing an email, all users will be forced to use external client;
  • emailAutoReplySuppressPeriod – '2 hours' – an auto-reply email (for group email account) won't be sent to the same recipient if one was already sent in a period of time defined by the parameter; to prevent looping (as of v6.1.8);
  • emailAutoReplyLimit – 5 – a max number of auto-reply emails that can be sent to one recipient within a period defined by the emailAutoReplySuppressPeriod parameter (as of v7.0);
  • emailFoldersDisabled – false – disables email folders;
  • emailRecipientAddressMaxCount – 100 – max number of addresses allowed in TO, CC, BCC (as of v7.5);
  • emailTemplateHtmlizerDisabled – false – disables Handlebars template engine for email templates;


  • noteEditThresholdPeriod – '7 days' – how much time is available for editing stream posts;
  • noteDeleteThresholdPeriod – '1 month' – how much time is available for deleting stream posts;
  • streamEmailWithContentEntityTypeList – ['Case'] – to display the content of the email in stream; by default, it's available only for cases;
  • recordFollowersLoadLimit – 6 – how much records loaded in the Followers field;
  • notePinnedMaxCount – 5 – max number of pinned notes per record;


  • cleanupJobPeriod – '10 days' – cleaning up deleted Job records;
  • cleanupActionHistoryPeriod – '15 days' – action history records;
  • cleanupAuthTokenPeriod – '1 month' – auth tokens;
  • cleanupAuthLogPeriod – '2 months' – auth log;
  • cleanupAppLogPeriod – '30 days' – app log (as of v8.3);
  • cleanupNotificationsPeriod – '2 months' – notifications;
  • cleanupAttachmentsPeriod – '15 days' – attachments with roles 'Export File', 'Mail Merge', 'Mass Pdf';
  • cleanupOrphanAttachments – false – cleaning up attachments that were uploaded but not linked with any record; cleanupAttachmentsPeriod is used; an experimental parameter;
  • cleanupAttachmentsFromPeriod – '3 months' – attachments related to records that were marked as deleted (deleted = 1);
  • cleanupBackupPeriod – '2 months' – backup of files created during upgrades;
  • cleanupDeletedRecordsPeriod – '3 months' – complete deletion of records that were marked as deleted (deleted = 1);
  • cleanupSubscribers – true – cleaning up stream subscribers for not-actual records (as of v7.3);
  • cleanupSubscribersPeriod – '2 months' – period for cleaning up subscribers for not-actual records (as of v7.3);


  • passwordStrengthLength – min password length;
  • passwordStrengthLetterCount – how many letters are required for passwords;
  • passwordStrengthNumberCount – how many numbers are required for passwords;
  • passwordStrengthBothCases – false – password must contain letters of both upper and lower case;
  • passwordRecoveryRequestLifetime – 3 hours – how long a password recovery link is valid;
  • passwordChangeRequestNewUserLifetime – 2 days – how long a password change link for new users is valid (as of v7.1);
  • passwordChangeRequestExistingUserLifetime – 2 days – how long a password change link (initiated by admin) for existing users is valid (as of v7.1);


  • authMaxFailedAttemptNumber – 10 – if number of failed login attempts (within authFailedAttemptsPeriod) exceeds the set number, then the system won't allow to login;
  • authFailedAttemptsPeriod – '60 seconds' – period taken into account for authMaxFailedAttemptNumber;
  • authFailedCodeAttemptsPeriod '5 minutes' – period for checking a number of failed 2FA code check attempts (as of v8.4);
  • authAnotherUserDisabled – false – disable the ability to log in as another user for admins (as of v7.3);
  • authLogDisabled – false – disable auth log records (as of v7.4);
  • authApiUserLogDisabled – false – disable auth log records for successful connections of API users (as of v7.4);


  • adminUpgradeDisabled – false – disables the ability to upgrade or upload extensions via the UI; (as of v8.1);
  • clientSecurityHeadersDisabled – false – disable security headers (as of v7.2);
  • clientCspDisabled – false – disable Content-Security-Policy header for the client page (as of v7.2);
  • clientCspScriptSourceList – a script source white-list for the Content-Security-Policy header (as of v7.2);
  • clientStrictTransportSecurityHeaderDisabled – disable Strict-Transport-Security header, actual if a webserver adds it (as of v7.3);
  • clientXFrameOptionsHeaderDisabled – disable X-Frame-Options header restricting the ability to use Espo in an iframe (as of v7.3);

Jobs & Daemon

  • jobMaxPortion – 15 – max number of jobs per one execution; a portion of jobs that is run in a queue is counted as one job;
  • jobPeriod – 7800 – max execution time (in seconds) allocated for a single job; if exceeded then set to Failed;
  • jobPeriodForActiveProcess – 36000 – max execution time (in seconds) allocated for a single job with active process; if exceeded then set to Failed;
  • jobRerunAttemptNumber – 1 – number of attempts to re-run failed jobs;
  • jobRunInParallel – false – jobs will be executed in parallel processes (see here);
  • jobPoolConcurrencyNumber – 8 – max number of processes run simultaneously;
  • cronMinInterval – 2 – min interval (in seconds) between two cron runs;
  • daemonMaxProcessNumber – 5 – max number of processes run simultaneously;
  • daemonInterval – 10 – interval between process runs (in seconds);
  • daemonProcessTimeout – 36000 – max lifetime of a process run (in seconds);
  • jobE0MaxPortion – 100 – max portion of jobs executed in a single process for e0 queue; this queue is intended for email sending; is run as often as possible;
  • jobQ0MaxPortion – 200q0 is a queue for a general usage; is run as often as possible;
  • jobQ1MaxPortion – 500q1 is a queue for a general usage; is run every minute;
  • jobGroupMaxPortion – 100 – a portion size for grouped jobs;

Mass Email

  • massEmailMaxAttemptCount – 3 – how many attempts to send an email will be made (can be helpful when SMTP server is gone away);
  • massEmailSiteUrl – to override the default site url (can be helpful if there's no access to your CRM from the internet, but you need to handle opting out & tracking urls; you will need to configure your server to handle requests to the specified URL);


  • kanbanMaxOrderNumber – 50 – a number of records that can be ordered within a group; as of v6.1;
  • kanbanMinColumnWidth – 220 – a min width of column; the horizontal scrolling will appear to prevent column being shrunk less than the specified value; as of v7.1;
  • textFilterContainsMinLength – 4 – actual if Use 'contains' operator when filtering varchar fields parameter is enabled;


  • pdfEngine – Tcpdf – what PDF engine to use; as of v6.1;
  • pdfFontFace – default font face;
  • pdfFontSize – default font size;


  • eventAssignedUserIsAttendeeDisabled – false – If set true, then assigned user won't be automatically added to an attendee list (for meetings and calls);
  • eventInvitationForceSystemSmtp – false – To send invitation emails from system SMTP (otherwise a user's personal account can be used); as of v7.3;
  • busyRangesMaxRange – A max timeline range on which free/busy slots are displayed on the Scheduler panel.


  • attachmentUploadMaxSize – 256 – max size of attachments in Mb; as of v7.2;
  • attachmentUploadChunkSize – 4 – chunk size in Mb; attachments uploaded by chunk; 0 disables uploading by chunk; as of v7.2;
  • inlineAttachmentUploadMaxSize – 20 – max size of inline attachments in Mb (e.g. inline images for emails);


  • wysiwygCodeEditorDisabled – false – disable the Wysiwyg field code editor; as of v8.2;
  • customPrefixDisabled – false – disable adding a c prefix to custom entity types, fields and links; as of v8.2; disabling can cause naming conflicts in the future;
  • starsLimit – 500 – max number of stars a user can give per entity type;

Config files

  • data/config.php – the main config; can be written by the application or manually;
  • data/config-internal.php – for storing sensitive parameters that should never make their way to the front-end; can be written by the application or manually;
  • data/config-override.php – overrides parameters of the main config, supposed to be written only manually; as of v8.2;
  • data/config-override-internal.php – overrides parameters of the main config, supposed to be written only manually; for storing sensitive parameters; as of v8.2.