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The Stream in EspoCRM is a feed where you can see updates and new additions for records you follow. You are also can post messages to your own Stream and to the Stream of another Users.

By default, the following entity types have the Stream enabled: Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Cases, Tasks. Administrators can enable or disable the Stream for a certain entity type in the Entity Manager.

There are two types of the Stream in EspoCRM: Record Stream and User Stream.

Record Stream

The Stream panel is available on the record detail view in the bottom. Posts, updates and new additions related to the current record are displayed here. Stream records are called Notes in EspoCRM.

The administrator can move the Stream panel down so that it will appear under other panels or put the panel into a tab. This can be done at Administration > Entity Manager > {Entity Type} > Layouts > Bottom Panels.

Stream Notes can be pinned. A user need to have edit access for a record to be able to pin or unpin Stream Notes.

User Stream

Users can see their Stream in the Stream dashlet as well as under the Stream tab. By default, the Stream tab is not added to the navbar.

Users can see the Stream of another users on the user's detail view if they have access defined by the User Permission in Roles.

In the user's Stream you can see posts and updates of records that the user follows. You can also see posts addressed to that user.

It's possible to view all activity for a specific user. It will display all notes that either created directly by the user or created as a result of that users' actions. Available from the dropdown menu on the Stream panel on the User's detail view. As of v8.2.


You will receive notifications about updates in your Stream that were done by another users.


You can create a post related to a certain record. You are also able to attach multiple files and images to the post. Images can be pasted from the clipboard.


If you want to mention somebody in your post, you need to type @ symbol and start typing the user's name. The user you have mentioned in your post will be notified.


The user who was mentioned in the post needs to have access to the Stream of the record where they were mentioned. Otherwise, the user won't receive the notification about the post.


The user needs to have a proper Assignment Permission (set in Roles) to be able to mention a specific user. If the assignment permission is set to no, then the user won't be able to mention anyone. If set to team, then they will be able to mention only users of their team (or teams). If set to all, then they will be able to mention anyone. Portal users are not able to mention users.


By default, users can attach files of any types to stream posts.

An administrator can configure the Attachments field at Administration > Entity Manager > Note > Fields > attachments (as of v7.2). The following parameters are available:

  • Source list – to be able to attach from documents;
  • Max file size;
  • Accept – which file types to accept.

Quote reply

As of v8.5.

By clicking 'Quote Reply' on a stream post, it will paste quoted contents into the text field. If a part of a post is selected, only the selected part will be quoted.

Posts to users

Users can create posts to certain Users, to certain Teams, to all Users and to self. Access for this feature is controlled by the Message Permission in Roles.

You can post to Users:

  • from the Stream dashlet;
  • in the Stream panel on the user's detail view.


You can filter what to show in the Stream: All, Posts or Updates. Filters are available in the dropdown in to top-right corner of the panel.

Global Stream

As of v8.2.

The Global Stream is available on a separate page where users can see all Stream notes, not only related to records they follow. Users can perform search: by specific fields or by a text filter. Notes that user don't have access to are not listed.

  • Access to the Global Stream is controlled by Roles.
  • A separate navbar tab is available.
  • Can be also reached from the Stream page.


If a user does not have all access level for all entity types, there are possible scenarios leading to an empty or not complete result list being displayed. It's a server load optimization measure when it would take too much of resources to find the first records the user has access to. Consider adding some search filters in such cases.

See also