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The best practice is to place customizations in a module directory:

  • custom/Espo/Modules/{YourModule}/ – backend (CamelCase name);
  • client/custom/modules/{your-module}/ – frontend (hyphen name).


Every module has its order property. The order is used by the system to define which module to load first. For example, if two modules have some metadata with the same key, the metadata of the module that has a higher order will be used. If two modules have the controller classes with the same name, then the class of the module that has a higher order will be used.

The order property is defined in custom/Espo/Modules/{YourModule}/Resources/module.json:

    "order": 16

Requires clearing cache after changes.


A module can define additional API routes. They are defined in custom/Espo/Modules/{YourModule}/Resources/routes.json.

Requires clearing cache after changes.


You can create a composer.json in your module directory to include 3rd party libraries. To let Espo know about these libraries, you need to create an autoload configuration file in your module.