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Users management

In this article:

User types

Types of users:

  • Admin
  • Regular
  • Portal
  • API
  • System


An admin user has full access to the system. Admin users can create and remove other users, manage access roles, teams, portals, etc.

There can be multiple admin users in the system. An admin can create another admin users.


Regular users have access only to scopes allowed by Roles. Regular users can edit their own user (if allowed by roles) except the following fields: User Name, Emails, Teams, Roles, Is Active.

The admin can manage regular users at Administration > Users.


Portal users can access only the portal (or multiple portals). A portal user usually is linked with a specific Contact and Account. Access permissions are defined by Portal Roles.

Portal users can be managed at Administration > Portal Users.


API users serve for accessing the system via API. Access permissions are defined by Roles.

API users can be managed at Administration > API Users.


The system user serves for system purposes. It's not possible to log in under the system user.

Sending access info

When a user (regular, admin or portal) is being created by an admin, it's possible to send an access info email to the user. On the create form, you need to fill in the Email field, then the checkbox 'Send access info' will show up. It will initiate the access email sending after user creation. The access info email contains the link to the system and the username.

If the admin does not specify a password for a new user, it will prompt the user to specify their password once they follow the link in the access email. If the password is specified by the admin, it will be sent plain in the email. It's not recommended that the password is specified by the admin because of security reasons.

The email template for access info emails can be changed at Administration > Template Manager > Access info.

Password recovery

Users can recover their access if they forgot their password by clicking Forgot Password? on the login screen. The user needs to enter their email address and the password. If the entered data is correct, an email with a unique link will be sent to the user. This link has an expiration period.

Password recovery (for all, regular or admin users) can be disabled at Administration > Authentication.

For security reasons, it's recommended to check Prevent email address exposure on password recovery form at Administration > Authentication.

See the config parameters for password recovery.

The email template for password recovery can be changed at Administration > Template Manager > Password Change Link.

The admin can send a password change link for a specific user at the user detail view > the dropdown next to the Edit button > Send Password Change Link.

See more in the separate article.

User inactivating

To disable access for a specific user w/o deleting the record, the admin needs to uncheck the field Is Active.

Logging in as another user

As of v7.3.

The admin can log in as another regular user. The user detail view > the dropdown next to the Edit > Log In.


  • WebSocket is disabled when logged in as another user.
  • Requires re-entering admin password to log in as another user.
  • Recommended to open the login link in an incognito/private window to avoid losing a current login session.

The functionality can be disabled in the config: 'authAnotherUserDisabled' => true.