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Shortcut keys

As of v7.2.


On Mac OS, the CMD key (⌘) is the equivalent of the Ctrl.

Record list

  • Ctrl + Enter – apply search filter;
  • Ctrl + Space – create new record;
  • Ctrl + / – focus on search-bar;
  • Ctrl + < – previous primary filter;
  • Ctrl + > – next primary filter;
  • Ctrl + Middle-Click – quick view (when applied on a record link);
  • Ctrl + Arrow Left – previous page;
  • Ctrl + Arrow Right – next page;


A combination Ctrl + Middle-Click (on a record link) followed by Ctrl + Space can be used for quick edit.

Record detail

  • Ctrl + Space – switch to edit;
  • Ctrl + \ – switch through tabs;
  • Ctrl + Arrow Left – previous record;
  • Ctrl + Arrow Right – next record;

Record edit

  • Ctrl + Enter – save and exit;
  • Esc – cancel;
  • Ctrl + S – save and continue editing;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Enter – save and create new (from the create view);


  • Arrow Left – previous range;
  • Arrow Right – next range;
  • Home – move to today;
  • Minus – zoom out (timeline);
  • Plus – zoom in (timeline);
  • 1..6 – switch between view modes, refresh if the current mode;
  • Ctrl + Space – create event;

Image preview

  • Arrow Left – previous image;
  • Arrow Right – next image;


  • Ctrl + Delete – move selected emails to Trash;
  • Ctrl + Backspace – move selected emails to Archive (as of v8.3);
  • Ctrl + I – mark selected emails as Important or Not Important;
  • Ctrl + M – move selected emails to a specific folder;