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Export Import extension

The Export Import extension is a tool for transferring data between EspoCRM instances using CLI commands.

What can be transferred:

  • records
  • settings
  • customizations
  • files

How it can be used:

  • as a part of a continuous delivery pipeline (e.g. to transfer roles, workflows, BPM flowcharts from dev to production);
  • for demo data;
  • when migrating to another instance.


You need to install the Export Import extension on your EspoCRM instance. Download the latest release package from the GitHub repository. Follow instructions to install the extension.


This is the documentation for Export Import v2. For v1 use this documentation.

This extension works via console (CLI). Commands should be executed from the root directory of your EspoCRM instance.

There are two commands:

  • bin/command export-import export (export)
  • bin/command export-import import (import)

Each can be used with additional options. See examples below.


bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import"


bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate

Available options


Confirmation of running the import. By default, a prompt will be displayed.


An export / import path. The default value is ./data/export-import. Example: --path="PATH".


Skip exporting / importing data. By default, the data will be exported / imported.


Skip exporting / importing all customization made for the instance. By default, the customization will be exported / imported.


Skip exporting / importing configuration data. By default, the configuration data will be exported / imported.


Skip exporting / importing internal configuration data which are stored at config-internal.php. Use --user-password in order to set a user password since the passwordSalt will not be exported / imported.



  • For advanced users only.
  • The defined list will be exported / imported only with data of Many-to-One, One-to-One Right, Children-to-Parent relationships.
  • The Many-to-Many, One-to-Many, One-to-One Left, Parent-to-Children relationships for related entities should be defined in the list additionally.

A list of Entity Type. If omitted, then all entity types are applied. Example: --entity-list="ENTITY_TYPE1, ENTITY_TYPE2"

Supported values:

  • a string, e.g. "Account";
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "Account, Contact".


Note: This option works along with the --entity-list option only.

This option enables exporting / importing all customization, ignoring the --entity-list option.

Skip exporting / importing data and customization for related entities. This option is used in conjunction with --entity-list. By default, this option is off.


An import type. The default value is createAndUpdate. Example: --import-type="TYPE".

Available values:

  • create
  • createAndUpdate
  • update


Store data in a pretty print format. By default this option is off.


Activate all imported users. The Is Active option will be defined as true.


Deactivate all imported users. The Is Active option will be defined as false. In order to keep at least one active user, use --user-active-list="admin".


Define a list of active users. The value can be a list of ID or User Name. Other users will be deactivated. Example: --user-active-list="admin".

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "admin",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "admin, 65d34ab18e81e286e".


Define a list of users to be skipped. The value can be a list of ID or User Name. Example: --user-skip-list="admin".

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "admin",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "admin, 65d34ab18e81e286e".


A user password for all imported users. Example: --user-password="PASSWORD".

For resetting the password, use bin/command set-password [username].


Clear all exported / imported passwords. Example: --clear-password". Use --user-password in order to set a user password.


To update all currency fields. This option depends on currency. If the currency option is not defined, the default currency will be used instead. By default, this option is off.


Currency symbol. If not defined, the default currency will be used instead. Example: --currency="USD".


Current time for the createdAt field. By default, this option is off.


This option allows to skip exporting / importing data for defined entities. Example: --entity-skip-list="ENTITY_TYPE".

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "Account",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "Account, Contact".


This option allows to export or import data for entities which are disabled by default, in exportImportDefs with the "exportDisabled": true or "importDisabled": true option. Example: --entity-hard-list="ENTITY_TYPE".

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "ScheduledJob",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "ScheduledJob, ScheduledJobLogRecord".


This option allows to export / import data for config options which are disabled by default. Ex. --config-hard-list="CONFIG_OPTION". The default list is defined in application/Espo/Modules/ExportImport/Resources/metadata/app/exportImport.json.

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "database",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "database, siteUrl".

More usage

Exporting data without passwords

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --clear-password

Customization only

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --skip-data --skip-config
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --skip-data --skip-config

Customization for a single entity along with relationships

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --skip-data --skip-config --entity-list="Account"
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --skip-data --skip-config --entity-list="Account"

Customization for a single entity without relationships

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --skip-data --skip-config --entity-list="Account" --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --skip-data --skip-config --entity-list="Account" --skip-related-entities

Data, configuration, customization for a single entity along with relationships

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="Account"
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate --entity-list="Account"

Data, configuration, customization for a single entity without relationships

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="Account" --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate --entity-list="Account" --skip-related-entities

Advanced Pack usage


bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="Report, ReportCategory, ReportFilter, ReportPanel" --skip-config --skip-customization --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate

Custom entities

If the Target Entity of at least one of the reports is custom entity, you need to add it to the --entity-list option. Example:

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="Report, ReportCategory, ReportFilter, ReportPanel, CustomEntity" --skip-config --skip-customization --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate

Custom fields

If the Target Entities of the reports are default entities, but at least one field in the one report is a custom field, you should add an --all-customization option and remove --skip-customization option. Example:

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="Report, ReportCategory, ReportFilter, ReportPanel" --skip-config --all-customization --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate


If there are certain actions in the workflow, it's important to add the following entities to the --entity-list option (depending on the workflow actions):

  • Send Email - EmailTemplate, User, Team
  • Create Record - custom entity name if it is present in the action
  • Create Related Record - custom entity name if it is present in the action
  • Update Related Record - custom entity name if it is present in the action
  • Link with another Record - custom entity name if it is present in the action
  • Unlink from another Record - custom entity name if it is present in the action
  • Apply Assignment Rule - Team, Report
  • Create Notification - User, Team
  • Make Followed - User, Team
  • Start BPM Process - BpmnFlowchart
bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="Workflow, WorkflowCategory, WorkflowCategoryPath" --skip-config --skip-customization --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate

Custom entities

If the Target Entity of at least one of the workflows is custom entity, you need to add it to the --entity-list option. Example:

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="Workflow, WorkflowCategory, WorkflowCategoryPath, CustomEntity" --skip-config --skip-customization --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate


Depending on the presence of certain BPM elements, the following entities should be added to the --entity-list option:

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="BpmnFlowchart" --skip-config --skip-customization --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate

Custom entities

If the Target Entity of at least one of the BPMs is custom entity, you need to add it to the --entity-list option. Example:

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --entity-list="BpmnFlowchart, CustomEntity" --skip-config --skip-customization --skip-related-entities
bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --import-type=createAndUpdate