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Path: authenticationMethods > {MethodName}.



Defines that the method is to be used for pure API request, not from the front-end.



As of v7.3.

A header that is supposed to contain credentials. Actual only for API methods.


As of v7.3.

A framework providing the ability to call custom code on Sign-In button click on the login page.

    "login": {
        "handler": "my-module:handlers/login",
        "fallback": true,
        "data": {
            "someKey": "someValue"


  • handler – a front-end class (should extend the abstract class handlers/login).
  • fallback – defines that a regular username/password login method is also available on the login page.
  • fallbackConfigParam – a config parameter name to be used to check whether fallback login is allowed.
  • portal – whether the handler will be available for portals, (bool).
  • portalConfigParam – a config parameter name to be used to check whether the handler will be available for portals.
  • data – arbitrary data to be passed to the handler. Can be actual as application metadata is not yet available on the login page.

The handler class should have a method process that returns a promise that resolves with HTTP headers. These headers will be sent to the back-end to the App/user endpoint.

The label for the Sign-In button can be defined in the language at signInLabels > {MethodName}.

Compatible with 2FA.

On the login page only global config parameters are available. When implementing a custom login, consider having some global config parameters to access in the handler.



As of v7.4.

If true, the method will be applied for portals when the method is selected as the default in the settings and the portal does not have a specific authentication provider.


Defines config parameters and a form on the admin UI. See application/Espo\Resources/metadata/authenticationMethods/Oidc.json for an example.



Whether the method is available in the settings.


As of v7.4.

Parameters for the Authentication Provider entity. Same as in the settings. If omitted, then a corresponding parameter from the settings is used.



Whether is available in the Authentication Provider entity.