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The WebSocket enables interaction between a server and a client (browser) w/o the latter making polling requests. Example: When a new notification is received, the server sends the information to the browser in real time.

Out-of-the-box the WebSocket covers the following features:

  • New in-app notifications;
  • New event reminders;
  • Updates in stream on the record detail view;
  • Updates of the detail view.


You need to have zmq php extension installed.

Enable Use WebSocket parameter at Administration > Settings.


You need to run websocket.php as a daemon.

Using systemd

Create a file /etc/systemd/system/espocrm-websocket.service.

Description=EspoCRM WebSocket Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/php /path/to/espocrm/websocket.php


Command to get the service to start on boot:

systemctl enable espocrm-websocket.service

Command to start the service:

systemctl start espocrm-websocket.service

SSL support

You need to set up a proxy that will forward SSL requests to our websocket server and vice-versa.


You need to have proxy and proxy_wstunnel modules installed.

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel

In your Apache config inside the VirtualHost section for SSL (<VirtualHost _default_:443>), add the following:

    <IfModule proxy_module>
          ProxyRequests Off
          <Location /wss>
               ProxyPass ws://your-domain:8080
               ProxyPassReverse ws://your-domain:8080


Add to server.conf:

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
  default upgrade;
  '' close;

upstream websocket {

Add to the section server:

location /wss {
    proxy_pass http://websocket;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
    proxy_read_timeout 12h;


By default, Nginx has proxy_read_timeout parameter set to 60 (seconds). You need to increase the value to avoid the connection being terminated too soon. In the example, we set it to 12h.

Checking whether it works

Click F12 to open the browser console. See whether there's any error related to the WebSocket. If you enabled the WebSocket in the settings, the frontend client will try to connect to the WebSocket once the page is loaded. If something went wrong, an error will be displayed in the browser console.

Config params

  • webSocketDebugMode – bool – false – if you run a server (php websocket.php) manually from CLI, you will be able to see debug messages in the terminal;
  • webSocketUrl – string – a custom URL for websocket; used only by the client (frontend);
  • webSocketUseSecureServer – bool – false – to use SSL w/o a proxy;
  • webSocketZeroMQSubscriberDsn – string – tcp:// – an endpoint to bind to for message listening; actual to change when used inside containers;
  • webSocketZeroMQSubmissionDsn – string – tcp://localhost:5555' – an endpoint to connect to for message sending; actual to change when used inside containers;
  • webSocketPort – string – by default '8443' (ssl) or '8080';
  • webSocketSslCertificateFile
  • webSocketSslCertificateLocalPrivateKey
  • webSocketSslCertificatePassphrase
  • webSocketSslAllowSelfSigned
  • webSocketUseSecureServer

Installing ZMQ

Option 1

sudo apt install php-zmq

Option 2

If the previous won't work try compiling.

You need to have libzmq3-dev installed:

apt install libzmq3-dev

You need to have php-dev installed:

apt install php-dev

Then execute the following commands (from the root user):

cd /usr
curl -fSL -o php-zmq.tar.gz
tar -zxf php-zmq.tar.gz
cd php-zmq-e0db82c3286da81fa8945894dd10125a528299e4
phpize && ./configure
make install
cd .. && rm -rf php-zmq-e0db82c3286da81fa8945894dd10125a528299e4 && rm php-zmq.tar.gz

Then edit php.ini (both for the CLI and webserver), add:
