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Terms & Naming

Entity type

An entity type is a type of data, an object. For example, Account, Contact, Opportunity, Task, Knowledge Base.

Entity types are named in UpperCamelCase (start with a capital letter).

The list of available entity types can be obtained at: Administration > Entity Manager > Name column.

Entities have their fields and links.


A field is a unit of data. Entities have their own set of fields. For example, name, status, createdAt, assignedUser.

Fields are named in lowerCamelCase (starting with a lowercase letter).

The list of available fields for a specific entity type can be obtained at: Administration > Entity Manager > {Entity Type} > Fields > Name column.

Each field can have one or few attributes (depending on the field type).

The list of available field types can be found here.


  • An attribute usually corresponds to a database column, provided that the attribute is storable.
  • In the REST API, JSON object keys correspond to attributes.
  • Attributes are used for accessing entity values in Formula Script.

Most fields have only one attribute named the same as the field. For example, the createdAt field has the attribute createdAt. Some fields have multiple attributes.

Field types that have multiple attributes and their attribute naming:

  • Link: fieldId, fieldName
  • Link-Multiple: fieldIds, fieldNames (ids − array of IDs, names − object of ID => name pairs)
  • Link-Parent: fieldId, fieldType, fieldName (type is an entity type)
  • Currency: field, fieldCurrency (currency is a currency code)
  • Person Name: firstName, lastName, middleName, salutationName
  • Address: fieldStreet, fieldCity, fieldPostalCode, fieldCountry, fieldState

Where field is a name of the field.

Attributes are named in lowerCamelCase (start with a lowercase letter).

The list of available attributes for a specific field can be obtained at: Administration > Entity Manager > {Entity Type} > View Details from the dropdown of the field.

A link represents a relationship with another entity.

Links are named in lowerCamelCase (start with a lowercase letter).

The list of available links for a specific entity type can be obtained at: Administration > Entity Manager > {Entity Type} > Relationships.

Each relationship between two entity types is a pair of two links on both sides.

Link types:

  • belongsTo
  • hasMany
  • hasOne
  • belongsToParent
  • hasChildren

Relationship type & link types mapping:

  • One-to-Many: hasMany + belongsTo
  • Many-to-One: belongsTo + hasMany
  • Many-to-Many: hasMany + hasMany
  • One-to-One Right: belongsTo + hasOne
  • One-to-One Left: hasOne + belongsTo
  • Parent-to-Children: hasChildren + belongsToParent