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Sending telegram message with Workflow

Since Advanced Pack version 2.4.0 it’s possible to send HTTP requests with Workflows and BPM tools.

Workflow configuration

Create a workflow rule. Specify needed conditions and then add action Send HTTP Request.


Request Type: POST

Content-type: None




    "chat_id": "CHAT_ID",
    "text": "Created new Contact:\n {$name}/n *Phone number:* {$phoneNumber}",
    "parse_mode": "Markdown"
  • chat_id supports 2 formats: - -1003332162016 - @chat-name
  • text supports: - plain text. - Target Entity variables (e.g. {$description}, {$name}, {$phoneNumber}, etc.). - Markdown text.
  • "parse_mode" is optional parameter. Can send Markdown or HTML, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic, fixed-width text or inline URLs in the media caption.

You can read more about bot request methods and payloads here.

Telegram configuration

  1. Create a new Telegram channel.
  2. Create a new Telegram bot.
  3. Add the bot to your Telegram channel.
  4. Add the bot to the channel admins group.