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Upgrading Manually


Only for very experienced users. It's not recommended way to upgrade. We do not guarantee any success if you decide to upgrade this way.

If your environment is configured properly, the regular upgrade process via CLI should work fine.

In some cases it can be more reasonable to install a fresh instance, then copy your custom directory, data/upload directory, install all needed extensions.

The following actions are the same as those that the automatic upgrade script performs when you run upgrade command.

0. Check system requirements of the new version.

Whether your system suits for the new version. Sometimes we drop support of old PHP and MySQL versions.

1. Run rebuild.

Make sure no error occurred. If any error occurred it means your Espo instance is faulty and need to be fixed before upgrade.

2. Download an upgrade package. Unzip it.

Find a needed upgraded package at If the needed package is not listed you can try to compose an URL{FROM}-to-{TO}.zip by substituting the from and to versions. Maybe the needed file exists but not listed on the page. Note that there are no packages that skip minor versions. 6.0.10 can be upgraded to 6.1.3 in one step but cannot to 6.2.0.

3. Copy files from copyBefore

  1. Check whether the directory copyBefore exists in the package. If it does not exist, then skip this step.
  2. Copy all files from there to the root directory of your instance.
  3. Run rebuild.

4. Run before-upgrade script.

Check whether the file scripts/BeforeUpgrade.php exists in the package. If it does not exist, then skip this step.

Create a file BeforeUpgradeRunner.php in the root directory of your instance:

include "bootstrap.php";
require_once "BeforeUpgrade.php";

$app = new \Espo\Core\Application();

(new \BeforeUpgrade())->run(

Copy scripts/BeforeUpgrade.php to the root directory.

Run BeforeUpgradeRunner.php.

Run rebuild.

Remove created files.

5. Apply vendor files.

  1. Check whether vendorFiles directory exists in the package. If it does not exist, then skip this step.
  2. Replace the existing vendor/autoload.php file (in your instance) with vendorFiles/autoload.php (from the package).
  3. Remove folders vendor/* (in your instance) that are presented in the upgrade packages in vendorFiles directory.
  4. Copy all folders from vendorFiles directory (upgrade package) to vendor directory of your instance.

6. Remove unneeded files.

  1. Open manifest.json file in any text editor.
  2. Find the list of files under delete parameter.
  3. Remove all these files from your instance.

7. Copy new and changed files.

Copy all files from files directory (upgrade package) to your the root directory of your instance.

8. Run rebuild.

9. Copy files from copyAfter

  1. Check whether the directory copyAfter exists in the package. If it does not exist, then skip this step.
  2. Copy all files
  3. Run rebuild.

10. Run after-upgrade script.

Check whether the file scripts/AfterUpgrade.php exists in the package. If it does not exit, then skip this step.

To the same actions as for before-upgrade.

11. Change version in the config.

  1. Open the file data/config.php.
  2. Find the version parameter and change its value to the value of the version you upgraded to.

You can download the fresh instance and compare files using some tool. To make sure files are the same (except custom directory and installed extensions).

Make sure that file permissions are correct.