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API Client implementation in Rust


This is an unofficial (3rd party) client.

For the full documentation, refer to For the source code, refer to GitHub.

The crate is on, so you can add it by adding it to your [dependencies] in your Cargo.toml:

espocrm-rs = "0.2.0"

For the latest version, refer to

HMAC authorization

use espocrm_rs::EspoApiClient;

let client = EspoApiClient::new("")
    .set_api_key("Your API Key here")
    .set_secret_key("Your API Secret")

API Key authorization

use espocrm_rs::EspoApiClient;
let client = EspoApiClient::new("")
    .set_api_key("Your API Key here")

Basic authorization

use espocrm_rs::EspoApiClient;
let client = EspoApiClient::new("")
    .set_username("Your Username here")
    .set_password("Your Password here")

Making a request

To make a GET request, you need to know a couple things:

  • the request method to use;
  • on what to perform the request;
  • optionally, any data needed for the request.
use espocrm_rs::{EspoApiClient, Params, Where, FilterType, Value, NoGeneric};
use reqwest::Method;

let params = Params::default()
        Where {
            r#type: FilterType::IsTrue,
            attribute: "exampleField".to_string(),
            value: None
        Where {
            r#type: FilterType::ArrayAnyOf,
            attribute: "exampleField2".to_string(),
            value: Some(Value::array(vec![

let client = EspoApiClient::new("")
    .set_secret_key("Your Secret Key")
    .set_api_key("Your api key")

let result = client.request::<NoGeneric>(Method::GET, "Contact".to_string(), Some(params), None);

A POST, PUT, etc request is very similar:

use espocrm::EspoApiClient;
use reqwest::Method;
use serde::Serialize;

struct MyData {
    some_value: String,
    some_other_value: i64

let client = EspoApiClient::new("")
    .set_secret_key("Your Secret Key")
    .set_api_key("Your api key")

let data = MyData {
    some_value: "value".to_string(),
    some_other_value: 10

let result = client.request(Method::POST, "Contact".to_string(), None, Some(data));

The MyData struct here will be serialized into JSON data using Serde's Serialize trait.