Coding Rules¶
1. Never pass Container into class constructors. Pass all dependencies separately.¶
❗ Bad:
namespace Espo\Modules\MyModule;
use Espo\Core\Container;
class MyClass
public function __constructor(private Container $container)
✔️ Good:
namespace Espo\Modules\MyModule;
use Espo\Core\ORM\EntityManager;
use Espo\Core\Utils\Metadata;
class MyClass
public function __constructor(
private EntityManager $entityManager,
private Metadata $metadata,
) {}
Exception: Passing the Container may be acceptable for proxy classes.
2. Never write RAW SQL. Use ORM instead.¶
✔️ Good:
use Espo\Modules\Crm\Entities\Account;
$account = $this->entityManager
->select(['id', 'name'])
->where(['type' => Account::TYPE_CUSTOMER])
✔️ Good:
use Espo\ORM\Query\SelectBuilder;
use Espo\Modules\Crm\Entities\Account;
$query = SelectBuilder::create()
->select(['id', 'name'])
->limit(0, 10)
$sth = $this->entityManager->getQueryExecutor()->execute($query);
$rows = $sth->fetchAll();
3. Specify types for method parameters. Also specify the method return type.¶
❗ Bad:
class MyClass
public function myMethod($request, $text)
✔️ Good:
class MyClass
public function myMethod(Request $request, string $text): void
✔️ Good:
class MyClass
public function getString(): ?string
// ...
Also avoid the mixed
type for parameters.
4. Never return TRUE or FALSE to indicate success or failure. Throw an exception if failure, return NULL for empty result.¶
✔️ Good:
use Espo\Core\Exceptions\Error;
class MyClass
public function getAsString(): ?string
if ($this->isSomethingWrong()) {
throw new Error("Something is wrong.");
if ($this->hasNoData()) {
return null;
return $this->value;
5. Don't write comments, write self explanatory code.¶
In addition: Do not write phpdoc for non-public methods and properties. It's OK if you don't write phpdoc at all (unless needed for static analysis).
Exception: Adding comments may be reasonable in some rare cases.
❗ Bad (excessive documenting and commenting):
// ...
* Sanitize input.
* @param string $input Input string.
* @return string Sanitized string.
private function sanitizeInput(string $input): string
// sanitize
return Util::sanitize($input);
✔️ Good:
// ...
private function sanitizeInput(string $input): string
return Util::sanitize($input);
✔️ Good (documenting public methods is OK):
// ...
* Run a command.
public function run(Params $params): void
❗ Bad:
// ...
// start sanitizing
$string = filter_var($string, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH);
// end sanitizing
✔️ Good:
$string = $this->sanitizeString($string);
✔️ Good (explaining some non-obvious cases):
// On the SOME platform we omit doing this due to the risk of processor explosion.
if ($this->platform === self::SOME) {
6. Import classes in the beginning of the file.¶
❗ Bad:
namespace Espo\Some;
class SomeClass
public function process(): void
$object1 = new \Espo\Modules\MyModule\Something();
$object2 = new \Espo\Modules\MyModule\AnotherThing();
// ...
throw new \RuntimeException();
✔️ Good:
namespace Espo\Some;
use Espo\Modules\MyModule\Something;
use Espo\Modules\MyModule\AnotherThing;
use RuntimeException;
class SomeClass
public function process(): void
$object1 = new Something();
$object2 = new AnotherThing();
// ...
throw new RuntimeException();
7. Avoid deep levels of indentation.¶
More than 2 per method is too much.
❗ Bad:
// ...
public function process(): void
if (!$this->isCached()) {
foreach ($this->itemList as $item) {
if (!$this->hasItem($item)) {
✔️ Better:
// ...
public function process(): void
if (!$this->isCached()) {
foreach ($this->itemList as $item) {
✔️ Good:
// ...
public function process(): void
if (!$this->isCached()) {
8. Use early returns.¶
❗ Not good:
// ...
private function sizeExceedsLimit(Storage $storage, string $id): bool
$fetchOnlyHeader = false;
$maxSize = $this->config->get('emailMessageMaxSize');
if ($maxSize) {
$size = $storage->getSize($id);
if ($size > $maxSize) {
$fetchOnlyHeader = true;
return $fetchOnlyHeader;
✔️ Good:
// ...
private function sizeExceedsLimit(Storage $storage, string $id): bool
$maxSize = $this->config->get('emailMessageMaxSize');
if (!$maxSize) {
return false;
$size = $storage->getSize($id);
return $size > $maxSize;
8. Avoid too many parameters in methods.¶
Less is better. Four is too much.
❗ Bad:
// ...
public function process(string $city, string $country, string $postalCode, string $state): void
✔️ Good:
// ...
public function process(Address $address): void
❗ Bad:
// ...
public function find(array $where, int $offset = 0, ?int $limit = null, bool $applyAcl = false): Collection
✔️ Good:
// Using a builder.
$collection = $finder
9. Methods that return values should not change state. Methods that change state should not return values.¶
Not a strict rule but in most cases should be followed.
❗ Bad:
class SomeProcessor
private bool $isProcessed = false;
public function process(): bool
$this->isProcessed = true;
// do something
return true;
✔️ Good:
class SomeProcessor
public function process(): Result
// do something
return Result::createSuccess();
10. Prefer composition over inheritance.¶
Avoid using inheritance.
❗ Bad:
class AccountChecker extends BaseChecker
public function check(Entity $entity): bool
$result = parent::check($entity);
// some additional logic
return $result;
✔️ Good:
class AccountChecker implements Checker
// Here we can inject additional dependencies that would be problematic
// if we extended the base class.
public function __construct(
private BaseChecker $baseChecker,
private SomeDependency $someDependency
) {}
public function check(Entity $entity): bool
$result = $this->baseChecker->check($entity);
// some additional logic
return $result;
The protected visibility should be used very sparsely.
11. Use DTOs rather than associative arrays or stdClass objects.¶
Use immutable data transfer objects.
❗ Bad:
$data = [
'attribute' => $attribute,
'value' => $value,
'entityType' => $entityType,
✔️ Good (cloning):
$data = Data::create()
✔️ Good (building):
$data = Data::createBuilder()
✔️ Good (constructor named parameters):
$data = new Data(
attribute: $attribute,
value: $value,
entityType: $entityType,