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Custom buttons & dropdown actions for detail, list, edit views

In top-right corner

How to add buttons (or dropdown actions) that will appear in the top-right corner.

An example for the detail view of the Lead entity type.


Create a file (if it doesn't exist) custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Lead.json:

    "menu": {
        "detail": {
            "buttons": [
                    "label": "My Action",
                    "name": "myAction",
                    "action": "myAction",
                    "style": "default",
                    "acl": "edit",
                    "aclScope": "Lead",
                    "handler": "custom:my-action-handler",
                    "initFunction": "initMyAction",
                    "actionFunction": "myAction",
                    "checkVisibilityFunction": "isMyActionVisible"


  • name ~ A name. Important if a handler is used.
  • handler – A handler.
  • initFunction – A handler method to run on initialization. Omit if not needed.
  • acl – Defines what access level is required to see the button. You can omit this parameter.
  • checkVisibilityFunction – A handler method that will be used to determine whether an item is visible. The method should return a boolean value. As of v8.1.
  • actionFunction – An action method in the handler. As of v8.1.

In order to add dropdown action, you need to use the dropdown key instead of buttons.

Available style values:

  • default
  • success
  • danger
  • warning

In the parameter accessDataList, it's possible to define rules that determine whether an action item is visible to a user. See the module:utils~AccessDefs JSDoc type in the source file.

The parameter labelTranslation defines a label translation path. Useful if you don't want to incorporate a new label but use an existing one. Example: Global.scopeNamesPlural.Opportunity.

Menu items defined in the Global.json file will be applied for all entity types.

Available views (object keys in definitions):

  • detail
  • edit
  • list

Handler class

Create a file client/custom/src/my-action-handler.js:

define('custom:my-action-handler', ['action-handler'], (Dep) => {

    return class extends Dep {

        initMyAction() {}

        myAction(data, e) {

            Espo.Ajax.getRequest('Lead/' +
                .then(response => {

                .catch(() => this.view.enableMenuItem('myAction'));

        isMyActionVisible() {
            return !['Converted', 'Dead', 'Recycled'].includes(this.view.model.get('status'));

An action item next to the edit button.

An example for the Lead entity type. Menu items defined in the Global.json file will be applied for all entity types.


Create a file (if it doesn't exist) custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Lead.json:

    "detailActionList": [
            "label": "Test Action",
            "name": "test",
            "acl": "edit",
            "handler": "custom:my-action-handler",
            "initFunction": "initTest",
            "checkVisibilityFunction": "isTestVisible",
            "actionFunction": "test"


  • name ~ A name. Important if a handler is used.
  • handler – A handler.
  • initFunction – A handler method to run on initialization. Omit if not needed.
  • acl – Defines what access level is required to see the button. You can omit this parameter.
  • checkVisibilityFunction – A handler method that will be used to determine whether an item is visible. The method should return a boolean value. As of v8.1.
  • actionFunction – An action method in the handler. As of v8.1.

Handler class

Create a file client/custom/src/my-action-handler.js:

define('custom:my-action-handler', ['action-handler'], (Dep) => {

   return class extends Dep {

        initTest() {}

        test(data, e) {
            Espo.Ajax.getRequest('Lead/' +
                .then(response => {

        isTestVisible() {
            return !['Converted', 'Dead', 'Recycled'].includes(this.view.model.get('status'));

As of v7.2.

Everything is the same as for the detail view. The only difference is that the metadata parameter name is modalDetailActionList.

Mass action in list view

An action will available in the Actions dropdown when you select records on the list view.

As of v7.0.

An example for Meeting entity type.

Create a file (if it doesn't exist) custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Meeting.json:

    "massActionList": [
    "checkAllResultMassActionList": [
    "massActionDefs": {
        "test": {
            "handler": "custom:test-handler",
            "initFunction": "initTest",
            "actionFunction": "test"

Create a handler client/custom/src/test-handler.js:

define('custom:test-handler', [], () => {

    return class {

        constructor(view) {
            this.view = view;

        initTest() {
            // called when the list view is loaded

            // here you can remove the action on a specific condition
            // this.view.removeMassAction('test');

            // const acl = this.view.getAcl();
            // const currentUser = this.view.getUser();

         * @param {{entityType: string, action: string, params: Record}} data
        test(data) {           
            // Here you can show a modal or send an ajax request.
            // this.view.createView( ... )
            // Espo.Ajax.postRequest( ...)

Create a language file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/en_US/Meeting.json:

    "massActions": {
        "test": "Test"

Clear cache.

You can use Mass Action framework to handle mass actions in the back-end. Available as of v7.0. Send a POST request to the MassAction endpoint with data passed to the action method.

See more

As of Advanced Pack v2.12 it's possible to create detail view buttons and dropdown items that run workflow actions. A button can be configured to be visible only if specific conditions are met.