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Creating custom field type

Use the name of your field type instead of {field-type}.

Field definition

Create a file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/fields/{field-type}.json with needed parameters.

   "view": "custom:views/fields/{field-type}"

Use out-of-the-box field types as examples: application/Espo/Resources/metadata/fields.


Create a file client/custom/src/views/fields/{field-type}.js:

define(['views/fields/base'], (BaseFieldView) => {

    return class extends BaseFieldView {

        // Templates for all view modes.
        detailTemplateContent = ` ... `
        listTemplateContent = ` ... `
        editTemplateContent = ` ... ` 
        searchTemplateContent = ` ... `

        setup() {}

See out-of-the-box field types for examples:

  • client/src/views/fields/ — views


The label is used in Entity Manager can be set in custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/en_US/Admin.json in the section fieldTypes. If you need to add translation to other language, use language code_Country Code instead of en_US.

Then you need to clear cache at the administration panel.

Backend validator

You can define a validator class in a field metadata file in the validatorClassName parameter. See the barcode field as an example.