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Custom duplicate check

Duplicate check is performed upon record creation. Optionally, it can be enabled for record update.

As of v7.0.

You need to define a class name in metadata: recordDefs > {entityType} > duplicateWhereBuilderClassName. The class should implement Espo\Core\Duplicate\WhereBuilder interface.


Create custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/recordDefs/Lead.json:

    "duplicateWhereBuilderClassName": "Espo\\Custom\\Classes\\DuplicateWhereBuilders\\Lead"

Create a file custom/Espo/Custom/Classes/DuplicateWhereBuilders/Lead.php:

namespace Espo\Custom\Classes\DuplicateWhereBuilders;

use Espo\Core\Duplicate\WhereBuilder;

use Espo\ORM\Query\Part\Condition as Cond;
use Espo\ORM\Query\Part\WhereItem;
use Espo\ORM\Query\Part\Where\OrGroup;
use Espo\ORM\Entity;

class Lead implements WhereBuilder
    public function build(Entity $entity): ?WhereItem
        $orBuilder = OrGroup::createBuilder();

        $toCheck = false;

        if ($entity->get('firstName') || $entity->get('lastName')) {

            $toCheck = true;

        // Here you can add more conditions.

        if (!$toCheck) {
            return null;

        return $orBuilder->build();

You can find built-in duplicate where-builders here. You can reuse them for your entity.

Checking for duplicates when update

Disabled by default. Can be enabled in metadata: recordDefs > {entityType} > updateDuplicateCheck.

    "updateDuplicateCheck": true

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