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How to get started

(for developers)

When you need to customize Espo for some business, it's recommended to craft an installable extension (see Option B).

In this article:

Option A. Using git repository

Using the main EspoCRM repository.

  1. Clone repository to your local computer.
  2. Change to the project's root directory: cd path/to/espocrm.
  3. Install Composer (v2.0 or greater).
  4. Install npm (v8.0 or greater).
  5. Install Grunt.
  6. Run composer install if Composer is installed globally (or, php composer.phar install, if locally).
  7. Run npm ci.

Then you can build by running grunt.

To build a proper config.php file and populate database you can run installation. Open http(s)://{YOUR_CRM_URL}/install location in the browser. It's assumed that your webserver is properly configured.


Some dependencies require php extensions that you might not have installed. You can skip these requirements by installing with a flag --ignore-platform-reqs: composer install --ignore-platform-reqs.

You also need to enable developer mode.

After building, you will be able to run the instance in your browser right from the project root directory, considering that your web server is properly configured.


  1. Change to the project's root directory.
  2. Run Grunt with grunt.

The build will be created in the build directory.


By default, grunt installs composer dependencies. You can skip it by running grunt offline.

Javascript transpiling

Building with grunt includes the transpiling step. You can also run it manually with the following commands.

Transpile all:

node js/transpile

Transpile a specific file (can be useful for a file watcher in an IDE):

node js/transpile -f $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$


  • fix – upcoming maintenance release; fixes should be pushed to this branch;
  • master – develop branch; new features should be pushed to this branch;
  • stable – last stable release.

Upgrade packages


  1. Fetch tags to your git repository from the remote: git fetch --tags.
  2. Checkout to a needed version tag (or don't if you want to test upgrade to the most recent commit).
  3. Build EspoCRM with grunt (see above how to build).

Build the upgrade package with the command:

node diff {version_from}

The package will be created in the build directory.

Option B. Extension development

By utilizing ext-template repository, you can develop an installable extension for EspoCRM. Your repository will contain only your custom files. The ext-template tools allows you to run your extension in an Espo instance for testing purposes. See more info in the ext-template repository's readme.

It is possible to install additional composer libraries in your extension.

Configuration for development

EspoCRM instance configuration for development. Config parameters should be set in data/config.php.

A developer mode, disables cache.

'isDeveloperMode' => true,


The developer mode won't work on a release instance. It requires the frontend folder from the repository and client/lib/transpiled which should contain all JS files separately and transpiled.

You can force using some additional cache in the developer mode. Can be reasonable as the application can run very slow w/o cache.

'useCacheInDeveloperMode' => true,

Where to put customizations

Option A. Custom dirs

  • custom/Espo/Custom/ – for metadata and all files pertaining to backend
  • client/custom/ – for client files

Option B. Module dirs

  • custom/Espo/Modules/{YourModuleName}/ – for metadata and all files pertaining to backend
  • client/custom/modules/{your-module-name}/ – for client files

This method is the only appropriate method when developing an extension. The ext-template's initialization created needed folders automatically. The important advantage of using ext-template is the ability to use ESM modules in the frontend, which significantly improves the development experience.