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Adding custom service action for Workflows

Workflows allow to create custom service actions. This example will show how this can be done for a Call entity.

As of Advanced Pack v3.2.3.

Step 1. Create a class


namespace Espo\Custom\ServiceActions;

use Espo\ORM\Entity;
use Espo\Modules\Advanced\Tools\Workflow\Action\RunAction\ServiceAction;

class TestAction implements ServiceAction
    // Pass dependencies via constructor.

    public function run(Entity $entity, mixed $data): mixed
        // your code here

        return null;

Step 2. Define the run service method in metadata

Create/edit the file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/app/workflow.json

    "serviceActions": {
            "testAction": {
                "className": "Espo\\Custom\\ServiceActions\\TestAction"

Note: You can also create the metadata file workflow.json file in your module directory.

Step 3. Add a label

Add or edit (if file exists) the file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/en_US/Workflow.json.

    "serviceActions": {
        "testAction": "My Test Action"

Or if you have the same method name for several entity types, you can define different translation for them.

    "serviceActions": {
        "CallTestAction": "My Test Action for Call",
        "TaskTestAction": "My Test Action for Task"
Note: You can also create a language file Workflow.json file in your module directory.

Step 4. Add usage tips (optional)

Add or edit the file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/en_US/Workflow.json.

    "serviceActionsHelp": {
        "testAction": "A description."

Or if you have the same method name for several entity types, you can define different tips xts for them.

    "serviceActionsHelp": {
        "CallTesAction": "...",
        "TaskTestAction": "..."

Step 5. Clear cache

Administration panel > Clear Cache. Now the service action is available for Workflows in the Run Service Action form.