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Compare changes

The export feature is available in the Export Import extension.


In order to use the compare feature, you need to have an exported data (e.g. from a backup).

This extension works via console (CLI). Commands should be executed from the root directory of your EspoCRM instance.

bin/command export-import compare --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --result-path="./data/export-import-result" --compare-type="all" --entity-list="Account" --skip-related-entities --pretty-print --info


The result will be in a JSON format, so you can use Total Commander, Double Commander or even git to compare the results.


For each entity, the following statuses may be shown:

  • Total: total number of compared records.
  • Created: number of created records.
  • Modified: number of modified records.
  • Skipped (both modified): number of modified records that have already been modified by another user or workflow. This is where records can be checked manually. To enable this folder, use --info and --from-date options.
  • Unmodified: number of unmodified records.
  • Deleted: number of deleted records.

Data structure

This folder will contain data in a separate sub-folders:

├── changed
│   ├── actual
│   ├── prev
├── skipped
│   ├── actual
│   ├── prev
  • changed folder contains the changed data.
  • skipped folder contains the both modified data that is skipped based on modifications found in the modifiedAt attribute, Stream, Action History and Workflow Log. To enable this folder, use --info and --from-date options.

Available options


Confirmation of running the import. By default, a prompt will be displayed.


A path for earlier exported data. The default value is ./data/export-import. Example: --path="PATH".


A path for the comparison result. The default value is ./data/export-import-result. Example: --result-path="PATH".


A compare type. By default will be compared all records. Example: --compare-type="TYPE".

Available options:

  • all
  • created
  • updated
  • deleted


Skip comparison of changed data. By default, the data will be compared.


Note: not yet implemented.

Skip customization comparison made for the instance. By default, all customization will be compared.


Note: not yet implemented.

Skip configuration comparison of the instance. By default, all configuration data will be compared.


Note: not yet implemented.

Skip comparison of internal configuration data which are stored at config-internal.php. Use --user-password in order to set a user password since the passwordSalt will not be exported / imported.



  • For advanced users only.
  • The defined list will be imported only with data of Many-to-One, One-to-One Right, Children-to-Parent relationships.
  • The Many-to-Many, One-to-Many, One-to-One Left, Parent-to-Children relationships for related entities should be defined in the list additionally.

A list of Entity Type. If omitted, then all entity types are applied. Example: --entity-list="ENTITY_TYPE1, ENTITY_TYPE2"

Supported values:

  • a string, e.g. "Account";
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "Account, Contact".


Note: This option works along with the --entity-list option only.

This option allows you to compare all customization, ignoring the `--entity-list' option.

Skip comparison of data and customization for related entities. This option is used in conjunction with --entity-list. By default, this option is off.


Store data in a pretty print format. By default this option is off.


Display information about skipped modifications. By default this option is off.


The date and time in UTC from which the comparison will be made. By default this option is off. Example: --from-date="2025-01-01 00:00:00"


Skip comparison of modifiedAt attribute. By default this option is off.


Skip looking for modifications in a stream. By default this option is off.


Skip looking for modifications in Action History. By default this option is off.


Skip looking for modifications in Workflow Log. By default this option is off.


Skip comparison of attribute list. By default all attributes will be compared. Example: --skip-attribute-list="name, Account.description, Call.firstName".

Possible values:

  • a global attribute, e.g. "name".
  • a local attribute, e.g. "Account.description, Call.firstName".


Define a list of users to be skipped. The value can be a list of ID or User Name. Example: --user-skip-list="admin".

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "admin",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "admin, 65d34ab18e81e286e".


This option allows to compare data for defined entities. Example: --entity-skip-list="ENTITY_TYPE".

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "Account",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "Account, Contact".


This option allows to export or import data for entities which are disabled by default, in exportImportDefs with the "exportDisabled": true or "importDisabled": true option. Example: --entity-hard-list="ENTITY_TYPE".

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "ScheduledJob",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "ScheduledJob, ScheduledJobLogRecord".


Note: not yet implemented.

This option allows to compare data for config options which are disabled by default. Ex. --config-hard-list="CONFIG_OPTION". The default list is defined in application/Espo/Modules/ExportImport/Resources/metadata/app/exportImport.json.

Available values:

  • a string, e.g. "database",
  • a string which is separated by a comma, e.g. "database, siteUrl".

Use cases

Complete process for comparison

This example will show how to compare your production data with data from a backup.

1. Restore your backup to a temporary instance. For example you have a backup from 2025-01-01 01:00:00.

2. Install the Export Import extension.

3. Run the export command to create a dump of your previous data:

bin/command export-import export --format=json --path="./data/export-import"

4. Install the Export Import extension on your production instance.

5. Copy the exported data from the step 3 to your production server.

6. Run the comparison command on your production instance:

bin/command export-import compare --format=json --path="./data/backup-data/export-import" --result-path="./data/export-import-result" --compare-type=all --from-date="2025-01-01 01:00:00" --pretty-print --info
  • --from-date - the date and time in UTC from which the comparison will be made.

7. Check the result in the ./data/export-import-result directory. See Result section.

Restoring data


Before you start this process, make sure that you have a backup of your production data.


It is recommended to restore only specified entities.

1. Follow the 1-5 steps described in Complete process for comparison section.

2. Run the comparison command on your production instance:

bin/command export-import compare --format=json --path="./data/backup-data/export-import" --result-path="./data/export-import-result" --compare-type=updated --from-date="2025-01-01 01:00:00" --pretty-print --info  --entity-list="Account, Contact" --skip-related-entities

3. If the comparison result is OK, then you can import the data to your production instance:

bin/command export-import import --format=json --path="./data/export-import-result/changed/prev" --import-type=update

Compare data when modifiedAt is changed daily by a workflow

For understanding how to compare data, see Complete process for comparison section.

bin/command export-import compare --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --result-path="./data/export-import-result" --compare-type=all --from-date="2025-01-01 01:00:00" --pretty-print --info --skip-modified-at

Compare data when an attribute is changed daily by a workflow

For understanding how to compare data, see Complete process for comparison section.

bin/command export-import compare --format=json --path="./data/export-import" --result-path="./data/export-import-result" --compare-type=all --from-date="2025-01-01 01:00:00" --pretty-print --info --skip-modified-at --skip-attribute-list="Lead.cAge"